The Potion Master's Snake - Had Mistra lektvarů
Autor: Winds of Water, Překladatelka: Patoložka; Beta-read: Lady Corten, Claire
Romance, Snarry, OOC
The Potion Master's Snake - Had Mistra lektvarů
Autor: Winds of Water, Překladatelka: Patoložka; Beta-read: Lady Corten, Claire
Romance, Snarry, OOC
The Potion Master's Snake - Had Mistra lektvarů
Autor: Winds of Water, Překladatelka: Patoložka; Beta-read: Lady Corten, Claire
Romance, Snarry, OOC
This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. This fanfiction was written by Winds of Water, czech translation was created by Patolozka.
Víte, tahle povídka mě nepřestává překvapovat - napsat tolik vět a přitom neříct téměř nic a ještě donutit čtenáře, aby se u toho zasmáli, to je totiž umění!
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